Sunday, June 28, 2015

2015 Meadows G.A.I.N. Day BBQ

Volunteer to help at GAIN BBQ Sat November 7th 1-4 pm

As if living in the Meadows wasn't already great enough, each November our residents get together for the Annual G.A.I.N. Day Barbecue to celebrate our beautiful and safe community. If you haven't been yet, you may be wondering what this G.A.I.N. Day is and what it's for.

How we came to have G.A.I.N.

All across the US, states get together for the National Night Out. A night to connect with your neighbors, show solidarity as a neighborhood, while bringing back a true sense of community, and it provides a great opportunity to bring the local police, emergency responders, city leaders and residents together under positive circumstances. The problem with NNO is that is held in August which is not a good time of year for Arizonans to be outdoors - too hot!

So, Arizona adopted it's own version of NNO, Getting Arizona Involved in Neighborhoods, G.A.I.N. for short. The city of Maricopa officially registered 4 years ago, and Maricopa Meadows has been involved ever since!

Oh how our G.A.I.N. grows...

The event is open to all residents of Maricopa Meadows and each year, our community G.A.I.N. event attracts more and more of you! 
Maricopa Meadows holds the unofficial title for having the largest event attendance and we aim to keep it!

The Maricopa Meadows Board of Directors and HOA generously provides the free food and drink, entertainment, and raffle prizes. It's a free family-style BBQ with bounce houses (firmly affixed to the ground), a DJ, appearances by the Mayor, the Chief of Police, and the Maricopa Fire Department. Did I mention the raffle? Raffle tickets are handed out to those who attend the BBQ and a drawing is held towards the end of the evening!

Volunteers needed

The event is a huge undertaking and we always need volunteers to help out. If you or someone you know is interested in volunteering, email us at:

For other event info, email Eric Schmidt at

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